Thursday, July 30, 2009

happy first birthday sawyer!!

today was sawyer's birthday! :) we took some pics and video this morning LOL

she was not really impressed with our enthusiasm.

what you can do:
walk (10.5months)
say "hi"
other words: dada, mama, nana, papa, baba, and tata (ie: give it to me).
copy our actions
understand "no"
eat all finger foods
bend over to pick something up
rolls a ball back and forth
can understand 1 item requests (ie: please hand me your bottle)

you are sassy, you have a temper, you are a quiet listener. you like to judge people and do not give smiles/laughs freely - people have to work for it :) you are like a monkey who clings onto people and you are a cuddle bunny still.

disclaimer: all these pics are kinda "off" in color bc of sawyer's multicolored walls and green leaf - it was impossible to not bounce the flash off of any of it.

huh? im 1?
huh? (sawyer is 1)

still tired (yawn, not a yell lol)
yawn (sawyer is 1)

ehhh what?
eh... what? (sawyer is 1)

going in for a smooch!
going in for the kiss (sawyer is 1)

kiss! (lol aidan's hair looks green from the leaf above sawyer's crib)
smooch! (sawyer is 1)

aidan apparently loves her birthday sister!
sisters. (sawyer is 1)

after we did aidan's hair for the day LOL
unimpressed with clippies.

videos: singing happy bday to sawyer until aidan jumps in, hurts herself, and then its all fixed by giving hugs and kisses to an unimpressed bday girl (excuse the towel on her floor lol i left it after bath last night)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

adding to today: sawyer's bday eve.

some from tonight :) i'll be taking pics of her in the morning too.
sawyer bday eve.

sawyer bday eve.

sawyer bday eve.

for the record - this was AIDAN at a year:

a few of aidan.

this was this morning after doing her hair (its air drying before we went out LOL). she's reading a card that my mom got for sawyer's bday that plays "the itsy bitsy spider" :) she loves it.
peasant shirt aidan.

peasant shirt aidan.

peasant shirt aidan.

"out came the sun..."
"out came the sun..."

and yesterday. aidan said pooh bear needed a diaper. "he had an ewww..."
"bear had an ew..."

Monday, July 27, 2009

too kewl.

aidan is such a girly girl. here are the pics of her with her sunglasses and purse (thanks nana!).
sasssy lady.

going out for a drive.

cool aidan.

cool aidan.

cool aidan.

cool aidan.

she knows just what to do.

sawyer wanted to play too ;)
cool sawyer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

happy birthday EJ and sawyer!

ok - most of my photos are on FB :) but here are some from the EJ/sawyer birthday extravaganza!! :) thank you to all of our friends!! you guys are the best!

posing for the party LOL (p.s. i have no idea what that weird hair is doing).
bday party.

the girls - and please notice aidan's side-eye....
bday party.

splashing daddy with water :)

sitting outside.
bday party.

wanting some food off the snack trays LOL

happy first bday sawyer :)

side-eye to the cake LOL
bday party.

kisses from aidan.

digging in!

the fam after cake.
bday party.

aidan in her hula skirt ;)
bday party.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


funny faced sawyer today:


playing with a new lens yesterday:
leaf (ie: playing with a new lens)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

playtime pt. 2.

playing in the house today:
sawyer tent.

sawyer at backdoor.

sneaky face.

kissy face.

crooked cheese face.


aidan sick yesterday (she feels better today):
sick aidan.

sick aidan.