Sunday, January 30, 2011

some vday outtakes and laying around.

so friday, i tried to take some vday photos. first, of aidan. who was so excited for the tutu. then i told her to hold her hand up (for the ever popular "im going to stick a sucker here" cards) and this is what i got.

vday sad1

apparently, she doesnt want to give anyone a sucker.

then reese. she ran away the whole shoot until i gave her this.
reese vday edit2

reese that night LOL thinking ;)
reese thinking w glasses

yesterday. sawyer said she was looking for a piece of paper. um.
kitchen mess1

kitchen mess2

then just laying around.

laying around1

laying around2

laying around3

laying around4

laying around5

haha she wanted 2 ponytails for her bird's nest.
laying around6

Thursday, January 27, 2011

how close.

how close am i in my house with my 85mm? well lets find out lol

crazy w 85mm1

crazy w 85mm2

crazy w 85mm3

tuesday i had a shoot :)

wednesday - trying the kitchen lol

sawyer wants to get away.
crazy w 85mm4

crazy w 85mm5

cookies! but i cant seem to back further than my fridge.
crazy w 85mm6

crazy w 85mm7

ouch! look at those horrible pinlights from my speedlite. yuck!
crazy w 85mm8

aidan's new squinkie bracelet!!
crazy w 85mm9

crazy w 85mm10

crazy w 85mm11

reese's face. lmao
crazy w 85mm12

her first sippy!
crazy w 85mm13

today. bad light, but aidan got into my closet lol
crazy w 85mm14

crazy w 85mm15

yes. my tree is still up. ass.
crazy w 85mm16

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

i heart faces.

innocent wonder.

this kid. sigh. she was so young last year that she likely doesnt remember snow. but this year... man, she could barely handle it :) this is one of my fave pics. just trying to be like the big kids and make a snowball. but it doesnt matter that it flies out of her hands in a zillion pieces. she innocently thinks is the best things she's ever made. and the funniest, apparently.

2011 jan snow10

i love kids.

Monday, January 24, 2011

yawn. catching up with seamless.

so apparently, ive been lazy and need to update my blog.

20th, reese stands in her crib. lol

nice jammies, huh?

21st, my new seamless came in - bone. close to white without burning my retinas.


sawyer is so funny.





(more in flickr)

22nd, i took pics for renee :) but this time they weren't with people lol

last night - reese eating up some meat and potatoes LOL
at table1

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

new car and dead grass.

woohoo we got a new car. ok. EJ did. lol

new car1

new car2

playing in it.
new car3

new car4

she got a bit sad after this when she realized she cant GO anywhere sitting like that lol
new car5

aidan wanted to be like me. LOL but then didnt want to smile when i got the camera.
towel head1

towel head2

today at the park.
1-19-11 park-1 copy

1-19-11 park-2 copy

1-19-11 park-3 copy

1-19-11 park-4 copy

1-19-11 park-5 copy

1-19-11 park-6 copy

1-19-11 park-7 copy

1-19-11 park-8 copy

1-19-11 park-9 copy

1-19-11 park-10 copy